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Sok@A project

HESAM Université
Publié le 28/03/2019 , Digital

Sok@A - Soft skills self-assessment digital tool.

The digital self-assessment test aims to promote soft skills as differentiating skills for employment. This self-assessment tool, drawn up from a framework inspired from eLene4works european projet and developed by a group of teachers and the pedagogical support l’ICIFTech at Arts et Métiers, leads to open educational resources and open badges.

The target audience concerns engineering students at HESAM Université (Cnam, Arts et Métiers and CESI) and is currently being developed for other students, in particular Bachelors (Bac+3) and Bac+1 (New course at the university program “Let’s Build our Skills”). Engineering students from Cnam and CESI participated in the validation of the digital tool.


Sok@A is a 3-step tool to help identify and train soft skills for better employability of our students.

1- A self-assessment questionnaire will help students know their strengths and weaknesses

2- Open educational ressources recommendations for self-training.

3- Open badges to make visible and recognise soft skills.

Sok@A is available in open acces for longlife learning approach.
Click here to test your soft side and earn your soft skills explorer badge !