Our Graduate School and PhD program
The Graduate School is the internal body of HESAM Université that brings together the involved institutions contributing to the PhD program.
Graduate School
The Graduate School is administered by a Board and co-directed by the directors of the PhD programs, assisted by the Office.
The Graduate School, which fully adheres to the mission of the PhD programs, has the mission of contributing to the development and implementation of HESAM Université’s policy regarding PhD studies and to coordinate the issuing of the HESAM Université PhD.
In addition to these priority missions, the school facilitates the sharing of best practices regarding PhD studies.
The school is overseen by a board bringing together the various involved parties of the university who wish to interact in the context of the PhD program.
The Board is made up of :
- The directors of the “Sciences of the Engineering Professions ED 432” and “Abbé-Grégoire ED 546” PhD programs
- Six representatives of the “Sciences of the Engineering Professions ED 432” PhD program, including one PhD student
- Six representatives of the “Abbé-Grégoire ED 546” PhD program including one PhD student
On behalf of the office of HESAM Université :
- the vice-president for research
- the vice-president for education
The management of the HESAM Université PhD is a recent development welcomed by the HCERES as “fundamental to HESAM's development as a federal interdisciplinary university focused on social transformations”.
One of the priority goals of the Graduate School is to contribute to developing and implementing an ambitious policy for PhD studies by creating the HESAM Université PhD starting in 2019 in close collaboration with the research leadership of CNAM and Arts et Métiers. The accreditation process was approved on 22 January 2019 by the Ministry of Higher Education, Research, and Innovation and now allows HESAM Université to issue PhD degrees. This is part of a simultaneous effort by HESAM Université to request the connection of its future PhD degree with 22 professional sectors allowing for recognition of this diploma by the RNCP (Registre National des Certifications Professionnels or National Register of Professional Certifications).
Another aspect of this ambitious PhD policy is the creation of PhD programs on “Research in the Creative Professions”. This project is strongly shared by member institutions such as ENSCI-Les Ateliers, the Institut Français de la Mode, and the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture Paris-La Villette, which are working toward the expansion of a network of research professionals in order to examine ideas of “practice,” “work,” “research” or “projects” as forms of PhD requirements that can lead to the granting of a PhD.